About Us

Do you know what…

happens when you take two people who have a love and passion for high school sports and mix them with a technical nerdy guy who knows absolutely nothing about sports?

You end up with one helluva team known as


Pictured above: L-R: Willie-Lead Announcer, PJ Dave-Tech Guru, Jeanne-Lead Camera OP

Photo Credit: Jessica Othmer

Teamreedsburg,live is in its fifth year of live broadcasting sports. The team is made up of several people and in a perfect world- takes 5 people to pull off the perfect broadcast. The crew consists of the following: Chief Streaming Officer/Engineer, Announcer, Color announcer, Camera Operator, Sound Engineer, and Return Feed technician. Our core crew consist of: Willie Sass- The voice of Beaver Sports for many years.

Willie is our Lead announcer for Beaver sports is often assisted by a “Color announcer”

When not calling the games, Willie is busy on his farm, and studying the stats about the players for the next game.

Jeanne Sass is the lead camera operator for Teamreedsburg.live. Filming sports is not an easy task as you need to anticipate what will happen next. Jeanne has been filming Beaver sports for the past several years. Jeanne is a natural at filming sports.

David (aka “PJ Dave” as Willie calls him) is the Chief Streaming Officer (CSO) for Teamreedsburg.live. David is responsible for making sure all the various electronic gear talks to each other during the live broadcasts. When David is not actively doing a broadcast, you are likely to see him around the football field or gymnasiums testing cameras, sound and other equipment to make sure the viewers have the best live experience possible. David also spearheads all the funding for the live broadcasts program. In PJ Daves spare time he enjoys spending time with his wife, Teri in the woodworking / crafting shop

Make sure to say Hi if you see him out and about!